Hosted Exchange
Mobile Email
Hosted SharePoint
Apple iPhone
BlackBerry Enterprise
Microsoft ActiveSync
Nokia Devices
Hosted Exchange 2010
starting at $10/mo

Small Business
Hosted Exchange 2010
starting at $170/mo

Medium Business
Hosted Exchange 2010
starting at $410/mo

Hosted Exchange 2010
starting at $785/mo

Hosted Exchange 2010
starting at $1,500/mo

Mobile Email - Overview

Sign up for our hosted Exchange 2010 and get email on your Exchange compatible iPhone, BlackBerry, or hundreds of SmartPhones and other wireless devices. Wirelessly synchronize your e-mail, calendar and contacts instantaneously. Never again worry about being out of sync while traveling.

The entire service is fully-managed, including all updates and patches so you don't have to deal with the time and expense of managing the service yourself.

Apple iPhone
The Apple iPhone is quickly becoming the phone to have! Operations, Inc supports the Apple iPhone with 2.0 software. All of our mailbox plans include free ActiveSync as well as POP & IMAP support.
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BlackBerry Wireless Solution
BlackBerry Enterprise Server software tightly integrates with Microsoft Exchange 2010 and works with existing enterprise systems, enabling push-based, secure access to mobile email and other business data. BlackBerry Enterprise Server is designed so that mobile professionals stay in touch with effortless access to information and communications.
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Microsoft ActiveSync Service
Windows Mobile Direct Push technology takes messaging to the next level by adding instant delivery. The Direct Push technology in MSFP means that Exchange 2010 Server sends Outlook messaging directly to your device over the air (OTA) through your wireless account. Like your desktop computer or laptop, your Smartphone can offer quick e-mail flow and easy access to your calendar and tasks.
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Nokia Devices
Nokia Mail for Exchange 2010 is the mobile email solution available for Nokia Eseries mobile devices. It utilizes Exchange 2010 ActiveSync that enables wireless synchronization of email, calendar, and contact data between Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server and Nokia mobile devices.
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