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Mobile Email - BlackBerry Enterprise

The BlackBerry is the most popular wireless device for connecting to enterprise email accounts, enabling users to send and receive email, and access their contacts, calendars, task lists, and other functions from virtually anywhere with their wireless device. 

With a hosted BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), you get fully-managed BlackBerry service, and you simply pay a small per-user fee each month. BlackBerry hosting frees you from all hardware and software costs, plus the expense and time of setting up service. It also saves expensive BlackBerry server maintenance costs.

BlackBerry Hosting Features
Full Outlook/Exchange 2010 integration. Synchronize wirelessly your Outlook e-mails, calendar, notes, tasks and contacts with your BlackBerry
Instant activation. BlackBerry hosting can be added as an option to your Exchange 2010 account in just a few minutes
Encrypted technology that will secure all your information
Increased efficiency and productivity

Proven and Demonstrable ROI
Average end user converts 60 minutes of downtime into productive time per day
Average BlackBerry user reports that BlackBerry increases the efficiency of the teams that they work with by 38%, equating to over US$28,000 per BlackBerry user per year based on international productivity per employee data
BlackBerry Net Total Cost of Ownership (TOC) per user totals US$1,315
BlackBerry ROI is conservatively calculated at a minimum of 238%, for a payback period of 154 days

Competitive Advantage
Comprehensive suite of security policies for unsurpassed IT control and customization
Unique architecture guards against malware and hacker intrusion
One outbound trusted connection protects corporate firewall
An integral part of the entire BlackBerry Architecture – not an add on!

Operations, Inc BlackBerry service is $11/month per device as an add-on to your Exchange 2010 account.

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